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European Workshop
Vocational Training and Employment of Visually Impaired

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In close co-operation with the board and staff of the Arla Institute in Espoo, Finland, the International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment, ICEVI, has organised an invitational workshop on vocational training and employment of people with visual impairment. This workshop took place on 30 June - 3 July 1999 in the Arla Institute.

Employment for people with an impairment in general, and for people with a visual impairment in particular, is a great problem in nearly all European Countries. This workshop has not solved this problem, but hopefully it did contribute towards tackling this problem effectively.

Invitations to participate in the workshop had been sent out to about 30 European countries, nearly 20 of which accepted the invitation.

We would like to share the outcomes of this workshop with others. Hence this publication. In this report, you will find the lectures, as well as summaries of the group discussions, edited by Mrs Marika Carlborg of the Arla Institute.

We sincerely hope that this report will be used as a discussion paper in many organisations for the visually impaired, and will contribute towards giving more visually impaired persons a place in the labour market and thus a place in society.

Dr Herman A.A. Gresnigt
European Chairman ICEVI

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