Photo from ICEVI-Europe event

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National Page of Switzerland

National representatives

Mr. Lucien Panchaud

Name: Mr. Lucien Panchaud (French speaking)
Position: Directeur du CPHV
Organization: CPHV : Centre pédagogique pour élèves handicapés de la vue
Address: Avenue de France 30, CP 133, 1000 Lausanne 7, Switzerland
Phone: +41 21 626 87 86
Fax: +41 21 625 02 46
Website: Fondation Asile des aveugles - Hopital ophtalmique Jules-Gonin website

Mr. Christian Niederhauser

Name: Mr. Christian Niederhauser (German speaking)
Position: Director
Organization: Stiftung für blinde und sehbehinderte Kinder und Jugendliche
Address: Kirchlindachstrasse 49, 3052 Zollikofen, Switzerland
Phone: +41 31 910 25 14
Fax: +41 31 911 30 41


Associations related to visual impairment active on national or Swiss French regional level